Landscape Artist Of The Year 2021

I’ve had an amazing day today as a wildcard at Landscape Artist of The Year at a mystery location.  The first couple of hours painting were quite quiet and focused but after that, when some people had finished or fancied a break, they started “walking the room” and that’s when the day became something special.  Every single one of those wild cards was positive and encouraging to all the others.  It was an amazing experience.  Everybody must have come away at the end having both learned something and had their confidence boosted.

I wasn’t the winning wildcard, so won’t be crowned Landscape Artist Of The Year 2020.  But I didn’t disgrace myself and am happy wth the painting I finished up with.  Not so happy with the other painting I did on the day and that I hid away.  The program is expected to air in January 2021, at which point I’ll publish the two posts I’ve already written on those two paintings and reveal the paintings themselves and the location at which they were created.

If anybody reading this was at the event today (30 July 2020) then please do speak up in the comments and say hello.  And if you’re feeling brave, have a guess at which wildcard I was.

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