Number three in the On The Buses Collection is Jack Harper, played by the late…

Lance Corporal Jack Jones
Anyway, after getting down a pencil drawing using a grid, the first colours I put down were those of the medal stripes. Ā I then moved on to dark greys and then lighter greys. Ā I wasn’t sure at the start whether I’d be adding flesh tones and/or background colours to negatively paint Jonesy’s tache and hair respectively. Ā After having a ponder, I decided that a light flesh tone would do a better job than greys around the tache, so added this in. Ā Some (not all) of the white highlights on the face looked too bright so I putting some ivory, the lightest skin tone I have in my marker collection. Ā And then there was the decision on the background. Ā I thought the greys, the flesh tones and the ribbon colours were working so well together that any background colour would just ruin things, so I left the background white and added some light greys in the hair and on top of the hat where lost edges just wouldn’t have worked. Ā And that was me done.
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