Kevin, Annoyed

So after the disaster that was Brie In A Chair, I did another drawing straight away.  It’s back to another old favourite, Kevin, who I’ve painted once before (and made a decent job of).  If it were possible to only use one colour, I’d have done that.  But the photo I was working from had too many darks areas that I needed to separate, so I compromised on two colours: charcoal grey and fuchsia.

I played all my usual tricks on this one: leaving white areas and missing edges and starting the wetting by going carefully over all the places where I wanted hard edges and where there were lines that added to the 3D effect.  I also didn’t bother with any background (and indeed made sure that the photo I worked from was one without props).
And I’m happy to report that this was a much better painting.  Brie On A Chair has been well and truly exorcised.  I expect Kevin won’t agree with me (I mean just look at him – this is no Neville Chamberlain style appeaser) but the worst thing about this one is that I’ve done Kevin too many favours.  A head that’s slightly too small makes the body more look muscular (an old Marvel Comics trick) and I think his stomach has shrunk down a bit.
Anyway. Kevin’s up for sale.

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