So after the disaster that was Brie In A Chair, I did another drawing straight…

After all the dog drawing I needed a break last weekend but I’m back with the inktense pencils today.
To start off, here’s a new model, Kevin. Ā I don’t do that many male nudes but I thought I’d have a go today. I quite liked this pose, even if Kevin’s not every woman’s fantasy.
He’s not perfect but he is my first inking of the day. Ā The left arm isn’t great and there are shadows on the right thigh and shoulder that feel a bit too hard edged. Ā There’s not much detail in the genitals, hands, feet and face but I’m happy to leave these to the imagination. Ā The highlights for me are the face and the invisible left shoulder – in both cases, less is more.
I could be accused of going through the motions in this one. Ā Why do I always reach for purple first and then drop in reds and blues? Ā For my next inking I need to choose a different colour scheme. Ā And maybe go back again to that idea of dabbing on the water with kitchen paper rather than using a brush.
Anyway, Kevin’s up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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