Katya’s Back

It’s been five days since the last painting as I’ve not quite felt in the right mood and I know from experience that if I’m not in the right move my paintings are rubbish.  I’m in the right mood today but stuck indoors, so I’m back to the inktense pencils.  Today’s subject is Katya, someone I’ve painted before.  And, actually, this is exactly the same pose as before but from a different angle.

I went with three main colours today: violet, iris blue and chilli red.  I thought I needed a break from the leaf green that I like so much.  Charcoal grey was used for the background.  The red and blue together make an interesting purpley grey and make me wonder whether a painting with just those two colours would work.
As usual, I was wanting  to leave as much white paper as possible.  I succeeded in that today but I’m never 100% happy with these works.  Today, the violet looks a bit too strong compared to the red and blue and Katya’s left shoulder wasn’t quite right and needed a bit of retouching.  Still, this feels good enough to go up for sale.

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