Number four in the On The Buses collection is Olive, played by Anna Karen. Recognisable…

Judge Rindler
My latest entry for Sky Portrait Artist Of The Week is “Judge” Rob Rindler. He’s the first celebrity model that I’ve heard of so far. I’ve not been watching the program live, so I’ve no idea what he’s like as a person.
I thought I’d be a bit different this week and not do any black outlining but include some weird colours in the fleshy tines. I went for blue, yellow and two shades of green. Pink was a possibility but in the end I saved that for the background.
And I have to say I was really pleased at the time with how this worked out. There’s a haunted look staring the viewer straight into the eyes. Stare back and you can see into his soul. This is the sort of photo progressional photographers spend hours trying to get right so it can appear on the front of the model’s autobiography. And yet I managed to get it done in half an hour!
On the other hand I’m looking at it a few years later and thinking his head’s the wrong shape. He’s in the reject pile.
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