Back to the markers and it's time to start on a new series of portraits.…

Jesse James
Here’s a companion piece to go with The Searchers. It’s based on a scene from The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. A very good film & worth checking out. In the painting, he’s on the railway track and about to rob a train. Behind him, the track I see blocked with junk. In front of him the forest is lit up by the approaching train. Somehow I’ve painted Jesse facing towards the train when the closest shot to this in the film has him facing away from the train and towards the camera.
Just like The Searchers, I think this one worked out well. I especially like the colour of the fog among the trees. I wish I could remember how I mixed that colour. If I could change one thing, it would be to colour in the verges and big stones on either side of the track rather than having them silhouetted.
This was sold to the same guy that bought the Icebergs Off Newfoundland. Two paintings that were worth it just for the colours on them.
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