It's JenB again! Ā This is my third drawing of her. Ā Her poses are just consistently…

JenB, Recumbent
Much too early to put my gear away, so I followed up the marker portrait with a bit of figure drawing. Ā This is JenB’s second appearance as one of my models.
I wanted to get back to simplicity by using just one colour. Ā Today it was charcoal grey. Ā I also wanted to leave at least one lost edge, which I’ve done near the right knee. Ā There are some great flowing lines, body contours and value contrasts in there today. Ā This is pretty good. Ā The right hand has to be one of my best limb ends for a while. Ā I left out the face today but maybe I chose the wrong painting to do this. Ā When I’ve left our faces with nothing behind them, things have looked OK. Ā But here, there’s a pouffe behind the head and I wasn’t sure whether to leave a head-shaped hole or to just fade things out the way I’ve done here. Ā I need to think about all that a bit more.
Still, JenB Recumbernt is up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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