
I’ve not done my artwork lately.  Too busy with a correspondence chess tournament – these things tend to take over your life.  But with one game left and a position I could win in my sleep, maybe it’s time to start making the world a better place again.  Tomorrow the gazebo will be set up on the decking so I can paint every day whatever the weather.  But today I’m indoors, so it’s back to figure sketching.

Today’s model is Jazmine, making her debut. I started out by drawing her and colouring her in with charcoal grey, fuchsia, leaf green, mustard, iris blue and a tiny bit of poppy red.  Rather than continuing with my minimalist approach (which really works) I thought I’d be different and add a lot of colour, using mustard rather than blank paper for highlights.  I need to keep trying different approaches to keep everything fresh.
For the wetting stage, I started with a water brush as usual but only used this on the hands, hair, face and bits of the chest.  For everything else, I used a wet scrunched up paper towel just to be different.  Here’s what I ended up with:
The values in this are all quite light.  For my normal minimalist approach, this is great.  But for one like this with lots of paper coverage, I need heavier values.  So I added a second coat of colours and wetted this time with a water brush, resulting in the final painting.
The final version definitely looks better.  The hair is the real highlight , perfect texture and with the blue and fuchsia colours livening out what would otherwise have been a plain charcoal grey.  The rest is OK, although a definite step down from the minimalist approach.  You can see in places where there’s a loss of accuracy in switching from brushes to paper towels, so maybe I should stick to brushes.  And colour-wise, there’s too much mustard for my liking and not enough of the red, green and blue.  The problem is this is hard to tell from looking at the pencil marks – it’s not until you apply the water that you find out what’s really going on.
Anyway, Jazmine’s up for sale.

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