It’s Quiet Out There…Too Quiet

So, as I said, I’ve been cutting up failed paintings And reassembling the best bits into new works of art.  I’ve cone up with three new works.

This is the first.  I glued down currents with PVA glue and later painted in the few gaps that were left (after applying watercolour ground first).  I also thought I’d have a go at bringing things together by letting some purple sky leak out into neighbouring shapes and filling in the missing section of a tree in the left that started with a top and bottom and no middle.  The tree works; not so sure about the purple.  There’s good use of contrasts there too: diagonal lines vs horizontal and curved edges vs straight.

I like the colourful stones and the (cut off) moon in this one.  I just wish I’d positioned the stones a bit to the left so that the guy could stand on them without losing his balance.  A pretty bad error, that one.

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