And here are the YouTube six in their full glory. Ā Somehow Lee's ugly arms and…

I’m back on the Artrafs today, aware of my promise from last time to hold back on the blue and not make the darks too dark. So here goes. Ā It’s a debut today for InnaBG as model.
After putting down the pencil outlines I drew on the colour with the blocks. Ā I wanted to make sanguine and ochre the main two colours, so started with sanguine in all the midtone areas and the few dark areas. Ā I then added ochre on top of the sanguine, overflowing the sanguine into the white shapes in places to get a 3D effect. Ā So on the edges of Inna’s upper arm, there’s both sanguine and ochre but move towards the centre line of the arm and there are areas of just ochre. Ā After these two colours, I added sepia in all the darkest places and some blue in the very darkest places. Ā Then I added some magenta in the reddest of red places and a little bit of yellow in the sunniest spots. Ā And I stopped there, being careful to leave a lot of lost edges down Inna’s right arm and leg.
After that I added the water, hopping around and keeping the brush clean. Ā I recorded this stage on video and it can be seen on YouTube here. Ā And after rubbing out what pencil marks I could still see, that was me done.
These paintings are getting better. Ā Cutting back on the blue and choosing a source photo without too many darks definitely helped. Ā The lost edges work well and are something I need to persist with. Ā On the other hand, there’s a white shape down Inna’s back just to the left of her backbone that I’m not keen on. Ā I would put on more pigment but second layers of Artgraf haven’t really worked for me so far, so I’m sticking here. Ā Inna’s good enough to go in the shop window. Ā Progress has been made today.
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