Icebergs Off Newfoundland

6 June 2018

There’s a village somewhere in Newfoundland that enjoys the sight every year of all these huge icebergs floating slowly past.  It sounds pretty cool to me, even if it does get filled up with tourists.

I thought it was worth having a go at painting some of those icebergs after doing pretty well with mountains earlier in the Summer.  I really like the final result.  I think I’ve captured the majesty of the icebergs.  And the colours are vibrant – nothing muddy.  The blue in the sky is great and so is the colour of the reddish building.

Bad points?  Well, the path is a bit monotone and there’s a nasty drip in the sky in the top left but in the framed version, I’ve cropped the painting down the left and along the bottom and these problems have disappeared.  Some might point out that I seem to have a raw sienna sky and blue clouds but I still think it looks good.

This painting was sold to a second-degree LinkedIn connection.  LinkedIn’s great, isn’t it?

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