Next up is The Essence Of Watercolour by Hazel Soan. It's a 128 page paperback.…

Hazel Soan’s Watercolour Rainbow – Book Review
I lashed out on another book last week. I don’t plan on turning this into a site that reviews books but I have to say this one is well worth the money. The second half of the book is the best bit. Here she goes through all the most popular Winsor & Newton colours (if you use Daniel Smiths you might want to wait for someone else to write a book on his colours), tells us whether they’re transparent/opaque/in between and cold/warm/hot and what are the pros and cons of each colour that you never hear anywhere else. And she tells us about some good colour combinations. And, finally, she puts forward a really strong case for having a palette that’s mainly made up of transparent colours and to only use the opaque very sparingly. This will be a life changer for me.
I’m planning on revising my palette of colours later this year in readiness for the 16-pan, hand-made, Roberson-style brass paintbox that I’m hoping will appear on a future birthday or Christmas. Watch this space for news. But, in the meantime, if you’re a watercolour painter who uses W&N paints, you really should check out this book.
<Edit. Several weeks later and I can confirm this book has made a real difference to my painting. The use of transparent yellows in my palette is making my paintings shine more than they’ve ever done before. This book was worth every penny. It scores five palettes. Oh, and I’ve decided to post up reviews of all of my art books after all.>
You can find this book and more reviews of it at Amazon UK here.As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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