Hartlip War Memorial

It’s been a while since I last went on a dash & splash so I thought I’d give it a go today. How this works is that I head outside and do some quick detailed drawings with fineliners before heading home to add the watercolour. The three colours, though, are chosen randomly by a spreadsheet on my iPad and I’m really loose with the colours, not trying to reproduce the colours I’d seen earlier or even to colour shapes up to the edges.

For today’s first painting, I came up with this drawing of the war memorial, with the village school and church in the background:

And when I got home, the iPad came up with these three colours:

It’s not that bad a set of colours, to be honest, with greens and purples possible. I thought they’d make an especially good sky, so I put that in first before colouring in the monument fairly randomly. It’s a decent effort, this one, and I like the ghostly church and school in the background, in particular the way they’re invisible at a distance but can be clearly seen close up. Spooky.

This one was quickly sold to a local guy who’s into his WW2 history.

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