Back onto my series of Hartlip paintings with a bit of a clunker. Starting colours…

Hartlip Village Hall
Next I wandered over to the village hall and found a comfortable place to sit and draw. Ā I might have put the village hall slightly too high on the page and ended up showing too much of the boring car park when I could have shown more of the sky instead. Ā It’s also a bit awkward that the front of the building is in shadow: maybe I should have come at a different time of day. Ā But otherwise the drawing wasn’t too bad. Ā I think I’m making good use of the variety of different thicknesses of pen available to me.
French ultramarine and raw umber again but the sap green has been replaced with violet. Ā I’m effectively stuck with using the violet as my red and the raw umber as a yellow. Ā Some of the colours in this one will be interesting.
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