The closing date for Portrait Artist Of The Year is on 5 February, ten days…

Hale And Pace
Today I’ve been painting Hale and Pace, a comedy double act from the 1980s and 90s. Ā Sometimes you see a photo and you just have to turn it into a painting.
After using the red, amber and green colour schemes from my conventional palette yesterday, and having used the supergranulators a bit too often recently, this was always going to be in my blue notan scheme. Ā So the first layer was cerulean blue, the second French ultramarine and the third quinacridone magenta. Ā There was a bit too much white background for my liking, so I made it orange instead, orange being the complementary colour of blue. Ā I used quinacridone magenta in there for consistency with the two figures and combined this with transparent yellow to get the most neutral looking orange possible. Ā I also added in some French ultramarine in places for variety and dabbed at the while background with kitchen paper to keep it quite light so that it didn’t compete with the figures.
In planning the painting with the Notanizer app, I set the sliders to what I thought might make an interesting painting but that risked making both guys look like pandas. Ā So I can’t complain when that’s what actually happened. Ā Things looked even worse at one point, so I adjusted the sliders to allow me to add more darks, which made things slightly better. Ā Not that the darks make much difference, being hardly distinguishable from the medium tones, something I noted after the Warren Haynes painting. Ā I should really have learned my lesson.
I think it’s pretty clear who these two are supposed to be but it’s not great. Norman on the right has a decent likeness but the shape of Gareth’s head seems wrong. Ā And his hand hasn’t really come through and there are those eyes in both of them.
It all looks pretty amateurish really. Ā This one won’t be going up for sale.
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