I reckon it's that sort of time. Ā I've created another of my biannual art polls.…

H2 2023 Poll Results
Well, I’ve had 17 responses to the latest poll and I think responses have dried up. Ā I’ll leave it open, along with all my previous polls but I’m going to post up the results here. Ā To say the results were unexpected would be an understatement. Ā I’m shocked by some of these scores and can see there’s a huge difference between the paintings that I rate highly and those that other people like. Ā Painting for fun and painting to sell require me to approach painting in two very different ways. Ā But here we goā¦
Obviously, no complaints from me. Ā If I was a big fan of these I’d have voted for them.
The Corbomite Manouver Collection (top right) was presented as a single work. Ā A few portraits of guitarists here; people unsurprisingly aren’t keen on portraits of people they’ve never heard of. Ā I really, really like my BB King (bottom right) though. Ā And I thought bottom left was one of my better figures.
It came as a big shock to me seeing The Good, The Bad And The Ugly coming out this low: I thought they were going to be right up near the top. Ā And Sir Bobby Charlton was another surprise, getting two votes despite a lack of likeness.
The Mukurob (bottom right) and John Lydon (top right) are other two that surprised me. Ā Especially John, being a decent likeness of someone that people might recognise in the street.
Not much to say about these except that, after seeing results from surveys, United Underworld is scoring strongly for a collection of marker drawings and the three in top left are scoring highly for figures, so maybe my figures and my use of markers are getting better over time?
Another high scoring figure. Ā Good to see the Dads Army Collection scoring highly: they’re the top scoring portraits (not a surprise). Ā I like the Mukurob (bottom right) too but prefer the one that only got three votes. Ā And as for the one in bottom left, I’m staggered. Ā I don’t like those foreground rocks and considered leaving this one out of the survey. Ā Just shows what I know.
Happy to see all of these scoring so highly. Ā Thea in top left is the top scoring figure this time round.
The bottom two, in coloured pencil and charcoal, are the highest scoring nonāwatercolours. Ā All four seem to me to be fighting over their weight. Ā I think I just underrate my landscapes; other people like them more than I do.
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