I reckon it's that sort of time. I've created another of my biannual art polls.…

H2 2021:Survey Results
Thanks to everyone that’s voted. It’s time for me to accept that I’m unlikely to get many (or any?) more responses in, so it’s time for me to look at the results and raise the odd eyebrow. There have been 18 responses so far. People are welcome to keep voting on this poll or indeed any earlier polls. I’ve no plans to close any of them.
Here are the links to all the polls:
– H2 2021
– H1 2021
– 2020
– Q1 2019
And here are the results from the H2 2021 poll. First up, no votes for these three. I had all these three down as flops, so no argument from me there.
Then these paintings all got one vote. If you had all these as a collection on the wall, your tastes could definitely be described as eclectic:
Two votes for each of these. Some decent figure drawings in there, and they seem to look better alongside each other than they do individually. The figure drawings don’t tend to score well in these polls. Maybe I just need to accept that they’re fun to do but will never sell. The four mathy portraits in the middle were in the poll as a set rather than as individuals. In terms of watercolour and oil pastel, we’re still sitting around at the bottom of the barrel.
Then it was three votes for these. I was surprised the balancing rock in the bottom right came out so low. The first raised eyebrow.
These works all got four votes. We’re definitely reached that weird bit in the results where there’s stuff that I’m really proud of sitting on the same shelf as stuff that felt like dross. I don’t like the top left and bottom left paintings here but the four down the middle felt like big successes at the time. These surveys always throw out shocks like this. Oh, I was pleased to to see the Bond villains getting so many votes – my marker portraits don’t tend to do that well in the polls.
On to five votes. The one in top left was more popular than I expected but, otherwise, I think we’re getting to the better paintings now.
Yes, we’re definitely getting to the better ones, and the leaders are all strung out. In sixth place with seven votes was this oil pastel painting. Good to see this one coming out so high after I’d only been using oil pastels for a couple of months.
In fifth place with eight votes, it’s another oil pastel painting. It doesn’t jump off the page as much as the woodland scene but Hartlip Church paintings are a bit popular.
Fourth with nine was this one of Clare Bridge. This was done back in the summer and there were a few paintings that did well in the previous poll where the colours on the shadows set the mood and temperature of the while painting. I need to get back at some point to doing paintings in this style.
In third place with 10 votes was another Hartlip Church (third so far). Some great colours in this one, especially in the tree on the left.
In second place on 11 votes was The Far Country, a James Stewart Western. Not the greatest foreground but I really like that mountain on the left and the way the colour of the sky sets the temperature.
And first with 13 votes was this one of Hartlip Church. No surprise at all to see this one come out on top. The greens and reds in the stonework do it for me. Very proud of this one.
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