H1 2022 Poll Results

Thanks to everyone that voted in the latest poll. It’s time for me to talk about the results.  There have been 27 responses so far, and I’ve never had more than that.  People are welcome to keep voting on this poll or indeed any earlier polls.  I’ve no plans to close any of them.
Here are the links to all the polls:
– H2 2021
– H1 2021
– 2020
– Q1 2019
Anyway, the results.  These paintings didn’t get any votes.  I can’t complain as I was one of the 27 that voted and I didn’t vote for any of these.

These paintings all got one vote.  A few there that might consider themselves lucky to get any votes at all.  On the other hand, I was surprised Sarah Ann (middle of the top row) only got my vote.  Maybe she was a bit too muddy in places for everyone’s taste.

Two votes for all of these.  The four in landscape format did well to come out this high.

These paintings all got three votes.  It feels like we’ve left behind the very worst stuff now.  More importantly, there are two more people out there that like the one of me.

Four votes for these.  While we’re past the worst, it doesn’t yet feel like we’ve reached the best.  Sarah Ann is still the biggest shock.  Rory Burns and Ruby are the top scoring portraits.

Five votes for these paintings.  We’re starting to get to the good stuff now.  Animal Biscuit Valley (at the top in landscape format) is one of my favourites.

Tom mix, votes six.  Rhus on the left did really well to come out this high.  My inktense pencil nudes don’t tend to do well in these surveys.  Six votes for a nude is like six votes from France in Eurovision, a big positive message.  Ullapool (bottom right) is one of those that other people seem to like more than I do, both on this poll and on Facebook.
Seven!  Two decent oil pastel paintings.

Eight votes for these.  Two of there (the one on the right and the one at the bottom) are the first ones so far in the countdown to have been painted on location.  Six paintings out of fifty on the poll were on location and all of them have finished in the top eleven.  That’s one big message coming through.  I’ll be doing plenty more plein air watercolour paintings during the summer.  And some plein air oil pastels when the weather cools down enough that I can take them out without them melting.

Torres Del Paine National Park got nine votes.  This is in Argentina, so done from a photo.  The oil pastel landscapes are more popular than the oil pastel portraits and figure drawing.

The Allotment and the Trinity Hall Wall got ten votes.  The Allotment was popular on Facebook and sold quickly.  There are paintings that I prefer to it that got fewer votes but that’s why I do these polls.  The Trinity Hall one was the top scoring Cambridge painting out of the six in the poll.

A big jump to 14 votes for Rochester Castle.  This is probably my second favourite out of the fifty, so I’m glad to see it getting so many votes.

Three paintings tied for second on 15 votes.  Two on the left of obscure corners of the village that I was more than happy with and Dreamland Margate on the right that I thought was a disaster at the time after I had to redo the whole sky in muddy, opaque colours to hide some really bad birds in the top right.  I wish I knew what people liked about it.  Is it the colours in the fog at the bottom of the wheel?  I’ll have to try something like this again.

And the favourite with 16 votes was Number Two, the house next door.  Definitely my favourite out of the fifty and I’m glad to see people agree with me. See the downstairs window on the right?  That’s the room where this one sits on the wall.  Three Hartlip paintings in the top four might be a message or might just be down to lots of local voters.
Thanks once again to everyone that voted.  These polls always throw up surprises.

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