H1 2021 Survey Results

Thanks to everyone that participated in the survey.  I got 26 responses, which is a new record.  As usual, there were surprises for me in there.  Here are the results.

First, none of these works got any votes.  I can’t really argue as I didn’t vote for them.

Next, these all scored one vote.  Still nothing there that I voted for, so no surprises.
Two votes for these.  Michael Kneeling (top left) didn’t get many votes.  My naked figure drawing rarely does but that’s something I do for fun with little or no expectation of sales!

Three votes for these two.  Pleased to see Chadwick Boseman getting some votes, but shocked at Big Sam getting any.

Four votes.  Shocked to see The Regeneration Of Lord Ernie scoring so high – it’s a work that almost went in the bin.  But I’m glad to see the others getting votes here.

Five votes.  The first couple of local landscapes appearing.

Six votes for each of these.  Surprised to see that moose coming out so high and Long Gone (second from left, top row) and Place Meadow (middle of bottom row) so low.

These all got seven votes.  The two on the left came out lower than I expected, the two on the right higher.  The Thin Ice (bottom right) has done exceptionally well for a painting that I was thinking of binning.

Eight votes.  We’re getting near the top now and this is when the survey starts screaming out its messages. The abstract in the bottom right is the highest scoring work that’s not a painting set in Hartlip.  Those Hartlip paintings have absolutely bossed this survey.  And I should point out they were doing this even before I posted a link to the survey on local Facebook and WhatsApp groups.

So, now that we know that we’re only looking at Hartlip paintings, here are the two that scored nine votes.

And the two that scored eleven.

And finally the runaway winner with eighteen(!) votes was The Rose And Crown In The Snow.  I have to say the colours in this one are great.

And there you have it.  Obviously there’s a big message there about local landscapes being popular.  But it’s not just any local landscapes – it’s portraits of houses that score highest.  And of those portraits, it’s the ones with better planned values and reserved white spaces that are most popular.  Definitely food for thought there.

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