Gregg Allman

There was no way I was going to stop at Cher, so I moved on to Gregg.  I wanted something that would contrast Cher’s chiaroscuro against a coloured background, so I deliberately made Gregg colourful and put a black background behind him.  I also gave him a green shirt to contrast against the yellows and oranges in his hair.  This was all in the name of art – there are no secret messages there about their personalities.

And, you know what?  This has also come out OK.  The bits of hair sticking out of the top of his head don’t look like hair but add some energy.  There’s a likeness there too, but it’s a strange combination of the youthful look in the source photo and the alcohol and drug addled middle aged Gregg that I’ve seen in some YouTube videos that he later recovered from.  Just look at the eyes – there’s something not quite there.  I know I’m going to get comments on Facebook,though, telling me this looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Gregg was up for sale for.  While with the idea that this one and the Cher drawing belong together but I’ve since taken it down.

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