I thought I'd have a go at painting Brian Clough today. Ā It was always going…

Gary Moore
After managing to capture the face that Warren Haynes pulls when he hits a high note, I thought I’d thought I’d try a repeat performance by painting the only guitarist that can pull better faces than Warren and that’s the late Gary Moore. Ā If you have no idea what I’m talking about, then you might want to check out this performance.
For colours, I picked the Shire supergranulators. Ā A green theme seems befitting for someone born in Belfast. Ā This was a three layer painting and
ā the first layer was a random set of marks in Shire yellow and Shire olive, covering all the paper except the reserved white highlights
ā the second layer was Shire blue with Shire green charged in in places
ā after using so much Shire blue in the second layer, I was worried that the value differential from a third layer of green apatite genuine and forest brown might not be big enough, so I painted the third layer in Shire grey instead but still charged in both greens in places.
While the third layer was wet. I added more Shire grey down Gary’s left side (our right) in an attempt to harden some edges and to make him stand out just a little bit against background. Ā And just as the paint was beginning to shine I sprinkled on a tiny bit of salt in the top half of the background. Ā I had intended to spatter on some masking fluid at the beginning to look like flying beads of sweat but forgot, so put in the salt to try to get something going on around Gary’s head.
Once everything was dry, I removed the masking fluid and did a little bit of tinkering. Ā In particular I added in Gary’s right eye, which the Artist Assist App had wanted me to leave out. Ā And that was me done.
And let me tell you I’m really happy with this one. Ā I have the likeness and the colours have left this one looking like an old neglected photo in the bottom of a drawer. Ā But, best of all, I can feel the note that Gary’s playing. Ā It’s not just the face he’s pulling but the way he’s leaning back and cocking his head to one side. Ā Today would be a very good day for the PAOTY judges to come calling.
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