Freebird Nebula

I’m waiting patiently for three different yellows to be delivered (raw sienna plus two two new ones – watch this space) so thought I’d have a go at the one painting in my ideas stash that didn’t need any yellow.

Main colours today were quinacridone magenta, French ultramarine and Payne’s grey.  There’s also some splattered titanium white for the stars and some cobalt blue and cadmium red added in places for some weight and variety.  Plus salt which I tried to only sprinkle on the red and blue, but there are a couple of salty stars in the bottom left.

Although the original Nebula painting was far better, this is OK and definitely better than It Started As The Helix Nebula.  It was based on a photo of the Orion Nebula but evolved into something very different.  I’m going to call it Freebird Nebula.  It’s not up for sale though: it’s just not that special.

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