This book keeps popping up on my Amazon recommendations. Ā When I took a look inside,…

Frank Clarke’s Paintbox – Book Review
I’ve been tinkering around with the Amazon wishlist recently, looking for books that I might want for my birthday in the summer. Ā And I don’t like adding books to the list without reading reviews of them first. There are reviews on and but they’re often a bit vague. Ā I prefer reading reviews that artists have published online, either on their web pages or on YouTube. Ā And there just aren’t enough reviews out there. So rather than sit around complaining, I’m going to post up reviews of all fourteen art instruction books that I have in my collection. Ā There are no links to Amazon here – I don’t think blogspot allows me to do that.
You can find this book and more reviews of it at Amazon UK here.Ā As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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