Frank Bough

Of all the celebrities ever to have been disgraced after being caught in a tabloid sting, Frank Bough is the most likely to raise a smile and the least likely to generate a clamour angry pitchforkers.  He would be there presenting Grandstand at lunchtime every Saturday, oozing charm, sophistication and gravitas and looking in complete control.  When it emerged that he would be doing this with only four hours sleep after pulling an all nighter at cocaine-fuelled, cross dressing sex parties with prostitutes, it made his skills look even more impressive if anything.  A level of professionalism that the rest of us can only aspire to.

I’ve punted Frank using the Notanizer app and the tundra colours.  So after putting a pencil outline and some masking fluid, that was a layer of tundra pink followed by a layer of tundra blue and then a layer of tundra violet.  I added a second layer of the violet in an attempt to make it darker and sprinkled some salt into it just for fun.  I then fiddled about with those three colours at the end trying to improve the likeness but without any luck, and spattered over all five tundra colours in the background.  And that was me done.
It’s clear that this is Frank but there are some problems there.  The mouth’s not right, with too many dark colours.  And some of the edges in the face are a bit too sharp.  On the other hand, screw your eyes up and it’s definitely him.  And I think it’s good enough to go in the shop window, even if nobody’s likely to want Frank’s portrait on their wall.
Maybe I need to start weaning myself off the Notanizer app.  This won’t happen straight away as I already have a traffic light painting pencilled out for tomorrow.

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