Today's painting is a portrait of Joe Walsh of The Eagles, someone who in his…

A lot of my recent watercolour portraits seem to have been painted from a distance, including bodies, hands and things like that. Ā I wanted to go back to basics today and concentrate on the face. Ā So I picked a photo of Phoebe WallerāBridge that looked like it might still be interesting after being cropped. Ā I particularly liked how the eyes and mouth stood out so much that it seemed there was nothing else in the face. Ā With the face being quite simple, I thought I’d make this one a triple portrait.
I’ve gone for three layer notan portraits using my traffic light colour schemes, as I’ve been using the supergranulators a bit too often recently. Ā So so the three layers are:
ā on the left, transparent yellow, cerulean blue and French ultramarine
ā in the middle, transparent yellow, Winsor red and French ultramarine
ā on the right, rose dore, Winsor red and French ultramarine
I also spattered the second and third layer colours in the otherwise empty bottom left corner.
I guess the one thing I did differently to normal was that I didn’t reserve all the white areas. Ā I reserved tiny white highlights in the eyes in all three portraits and all the big white areas on the left with masking fluid. Ā But for the other two portraits I didn’t reserve the big white shapes, instead just being careful to leave them empty when painting on the first layer of colour. Ā For the one in the right I even wet the areas I wanted to painting rose dore before adding the paint: this gave my white shapes soft edges.
I have a friend who I think looks a bit like Fleabag. Ā After the first two layers were down, this was looking more like her than like the true subject but the third layer did help bring things back. Ā The final version has a little bit of my friend still there but is mainly Fleabag. Ā I’m calling this one Fleabag rather than Phoebe WallerāBridge because, well, that’s who I’ve painted. Ā Anyway, this one feels like a winner and it’s going up for sale.
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