Today's painting was an experiment that went really badly. I sketched out a composition first.…

Failed Experiment Part 2
So, after that failed experiment, I thought I’d experiment some more. Let’s face it, I had nothing to lose.
So I had some crumpled aluminium foil laying around. I found enough of it to cover the painting and stuck it all down on a board (it was windy that day). I then put some paint on the board: rose dore and Indian yellow where the background field was, some Indian yellow just below (to shine through the top branches), some French ultramarine around the band of bluebells and then French ultramarine, transparent yellow, burnt umber, burnt sienna and sepia (tenth colour) everywhere else. I know there was already too much sepia there but I thought a bit more of it in the background might have made the excess sepia ink harmonise a bit with the rest of the painting. And then I dropped on more garden foliage, placed the painting face down on it and weighed it all down with a broken paving slab.
And here’s the result, after I’ve removed the masking fluid from where the poppy is going to be. It’s not that different to what I started with, with a little bit more foliage showing in a couple of places. Nothing much else. If I’m going to do this trick of painting the foil first again, I need to use much more paint.
I’m not optimistic about being able to rescue this one but at least I can get a bit of practice in on the poppy.
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