Ernst Stavro Blofeld

These marker portraits always come in pairs, so here’s another Bond villain – Donald Pleasence as Blofeld in You Only Live Twice.  Except that my source photo has the vertical wound down the right side of his face missing, so I guess this isn’t from the film.  I had to go for this shot though, just because of the gaze, a gaze that I wanted to replicate.

There are some impressionistic colours in there among the flesh tones and neutrals again: this time red and blue.
While there’s an interesting look in the eye, it looks unfinished.  But after examining the source photo in detail for ages, I couldn’t identify any extra marks that I could make to improve it.  And the rest of the head is just wrong.  It’s too chubby and there’s no likeness.  Have I turned it into a self portrait?
This is another that’s not going up for sale but that might end up in a Bond villain collection.  Goldfinger has a bigger chance of making the final squad than Blofeld though.
<Renamed from Donald Pleasence to Ernst Stavro Blofeld.  Makes sense given the lack of likeness.>
And now I’ve just discovered that the source photo was a mirror image.  It doesn’t make sense to add the scar to the near eye as it’s so wide open.  I had a go at adding it to the far eye but it’s so obviously a mirror image.  I think I need to just redo Blofeld from scratch.

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