And here are the four of them together. Back in my uni days, Statistical Physics…

Enrico Fermi
It’s time to start a new series of portraits. As I felt good about drawing all those chess players, I’m going to go for another intelligent bunch of people. It’s going to be famous physicists.
First up is particle physicist Enrico Fermi. He looks good. He’s exuding a mixture or brains (like a James Bond villain) and Italian style (and I’m really not sure how I managed that).
I expect I’ll end up doing all these physicists portrait style and maybe selling them in sets of four, single framed. They could end up in themed groups or as pick-and-mixes where a buyer can just pick four favourites.
Although I do like the idea of a Bose/Einstein/Fermi/Dirac foursome after it was my knowledge of Bose-Einstein particles (aka bosons) and Fermi-Dirac particles (aka fermions) that came up trumps in all four of my finals papers and got me a first. Let me ponder…
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