I nipped into Canterbury today for lunch with an old work colleague and thought I'd…

Different Tables
I’m still at Medway Services and thought I’d carry on drawing when I saw this guy in green arrive. Ā He looked a bit sad in that beanie and had an interesting way of sitting with his left hand pressed down on the seat and his legs crossed. Ā I also tend to go for people without much face showing and who are looking at their phones so likely to stay still for a couple of minutes.
I added the woman on the other side of the table afterwards. Ā She wasn’t with him and was genuinely sitting at a different table but just calling this drawing “Different Tables” makes it sound like an interesting bit of social commentary about how modern technology pushes us apart.
And then I added the windows. Ā There are huge windows overlooking the motorway at this service station so I thought I’d try putting them in. Ā The perspective’s not great – if I start doing proper urban sketching with buildings, I really need to do things in pencil first.
This is OK I suppose but I’m still waiting to reach that point where my ability to do quick drawings of strangers suddenly clicks into place.
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