I'm still at Medway Services and thought I'd carry on drawing when I saw this…

Day Trip To Canterbury
I nipped into Canterbury today for lunch with an old work colleague and thought I’d make a day of it by getting there early and giving the markers a proper sketching debut from inside Costas.
The first one is of someone who sat at one of the tables on the other side of the window. Ā I liked the hunched up shape of his body and was glad to get it down in time. Ā The second was of someone further away, standing outside Primark. Ā I liked the way the hoops on his jumper brought out the spherical qualities of his beer belly. Ā The higher stripes bent down at the ends, the lower bent up at the ends and there was one in the middle that was thicker in the middle than at the ends.
I much prefer the first sketch to the second (the second is very poor indeed) but both suffered as a result of the subject moving before I had the chance to record all the shapes, let alone any facial features.
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