Back on the coloured pencils and I thought I'd try doing a portrait of David…

David Bowie
In the mood for a coloured pencil drawing today, so looked at the CD collection and decided to go for Bowie. Ā The CD collection is pretty good inspiration for this sort of thing. Ā With sportspeople it’s a case of seeing someone on the telly and thinking they might make a good subject. Ā I can’t ever sit down and think of a sportsperson to paint. Ā With music, though, everyone’s a potential subject and my CD collection is a huge vault of ideas.
Four bits to the methodology worth mentioning today:
– while I always find myself putting down the initial drawing for coloured pencils in straight lines, I decided today to not emphasise the angularity and to just keep the rest of the painting round and curvy
– I tried especially hard to get the gaze in the eyes right and to make the eyeballs look spherical rather than just 2D shapes on the paper. Ā I think I caught something but messed up by making the iris of his blue eye too big
– for the burnishing, I went back to three tone flesh burnishing: cinnamon in the darkest places, white in the lightest and beige red in between. I wanted to keep the sharp pointed shadows on his cheeks
– for the hair, rather than putting down a big shape, I painted hairs. Ā For the first few goes, I used the side of the pencil lead to get down lots of colour but later on I drew in big long sweeping hairs with the points of the pencils. Ā Once the forehead was looking good, I put in lots of hairs coming down over it towards the eye. Ā And on most of the hair body I added more dark coloured hair marks close to the scalp and at the ends to leave a lighter m shiner colour in between
The end result isn’t too bad. Ā While I can’t claim this is a perfect likeness, I’ve definitely caught something. Ā Cover up the mouth and green eye and you’ll see the blue eye and hair are looking pretty good, even if that blue iris is a bit too big. Ā I’m going to put this one up for sale. To see the price, click here.
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