Number four in the On The Buses collection is Olive, played by Anna Karen. Recognisable…

Danny Wilde
I didn’t know what I wanted to do today so asked my iPad for ideas. Ā It suggested that I do a portrait using markers. Ā If I do a portrait with the markers I generally follow up with a second portrait on the same day, so I needed to think of a pair of subjects that went together. Ā Having found myself watching so much cheese on the GREAT TV channel late at night recently, there was only ever going to be one choice: The Persuaders!
I found two possible source photos showing both the main characters. Ā One was really dark and shadowy and might make a good watercolour painting another day, so I went for the brighter one. Ā I decided to go for Danny Wilde first, okayed by Tony Curtis.
I thought I’d work in black and white today. Ā After getting a pencil outline down, I went into all the darkest areas with (cool) grey 5, then for the medium tones with grey 3. Ā Things were looking really good at this stage, so I darkened most of the grey 5s to black and most of the grey 3s to grey 4, then went in with the grey 1 and grey 2 in some of the lighter, non highlighted bits. Ā I ended up with six different grey/black values on the page, seven if you count the bits I left white. Ā I used the blender to smooth things out in places.
Right at the end, I coloured the background in orange because I find that the a colourful background emphasises the monotonicity of the greys in a painting like this. Ā And that was me done.
I’m happy with this one. Ā The likeness is there. Ā Good job. Ā It’s up for sale as part of The Persuaders! Collection.
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