Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that’s been on my to do list for a while. It’s the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in 1968.

I’ve only used the five desert supergranulators today. I started with the yellow and the orange in the sky, the orange applied wet into wet after putting down the yellow first. In places where the paint was looking a bit too thick, I dabbed at it with kitchen paper.

The rest of the painting is in posterised style. After designing the value plan in the Notanizer app, I painted over all the light, medium and dark shapes in the yellow and dropped in the brown and more of the yellow in places for a bit of variety. Once that was dry, I painted over all the medium and dark areas with the brown. And then, when that was dry, over all the dark areas with the grey, dropping in the green in places. And that was me down. This one didn’t take long.

I’m really liking this one. The composition is great, with all those lines pointing to the statue, but Franklin Schaffner, the film’s director, has to take credit for that. But the sky is all down to me, and the statue looks great for a distance with all those shadowy darks. I had to make a big decision right at the start over whether to just use these five colours or to bring in cerulean blue for the sky and maybe the sea. I believe I made the right choice. This one’s up for sale.

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