Number four in the On The Buses collection is Olive, played by Anna Karen. Recognisable…

Cyril Blake
And today’s second work is Cyril Blake, played by the late Stephen Lewis. I think we all know where this collection is going now, yeah?
While it’s immediately obvious who this is (for a change), the likeness isn’t great. But that’s why I’ve named this one the way I have. It’s my take on Blakey, not a portrait of Stephen Lewis. And, while my source photo was one showing the satisfaction of schadenfreude, this has come out with an expression of terror, which I guess fits in just as well with the theme.
I made a mistake early on, using black around the edges of the mouth (did a I tell you I like to do darks first with markers? Well I do). It made the mouth stand out too much and meant I had to use much more black than I was intending in the rest of the drawing. Still, I think it came out just about OK. The cap is really good. Skin tones are interesting and include green, blue, pink and violet as well as greys and normal skin tones. The pink sky at the end seemed like the best colour or contrast with t(e blues of the buildings and the greys of the uniform – I think that worked well.
In the end, it’s OK, nothing special. But, as usual, I’m saving final judgement until I see all six together.
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