Charlie, Dobbie And Mia – Best Two Yet?

Back to those three dogs.    The plans for today were to:

– make the other dogs’ heads more similar in size to Dobbie’s – achieved!

– use black rather than charcoal grey in the darkest bits – achieved!

– tone down the impressionistic colours in Mia – make her a bit more earthy – achieved!

I think this is the best Charlie and Mia so far.  It’s not the best Dobbie though.  His greens are more understated but there’s a green stripe on him that’s a bit too hard edged for my liking.  On the other hand, he does have that look in his face as if he’s in trouble.  He’s not a failure by any means.

I like this one.  But then I had another go.

I think this is even better.  Mia on the right is definitely better.  Dobbie in the middle is still looking guilty but I think he’s a bit better.  There is more green back in the fur but it’s back to being more subtle after that sharp edged green mark first time round.  Charlie on the left is bigger, which he deserves to be, being the best model.  He has less impressionistic  colour to him this time (notably less red)  but is still the best of the three.

And indeed, this version of the portrait was sold and is going on the wall somewhere in the flat above the pub.  My first portrait sale, my first inktense sale and (if you want to call it that) my first commission sale.

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