It's all very well putting together a collection of marker drawings of the Rose And…

Charlie, Dobbie And Mia Again
It’s been a busy day. Three works of art but two of them were so bad I’m not even going to show them here on the blog.
The first was an attempt at Mia using markers. I tried to get around the awkwardness of her orange colours by using the most orangey skin tone marker in my set, with grey overlays. It really didn’t work, and Mia ended up with such a long snout she looked more like a crocodile.
So I went on to the inktense pencils and tried to draw all three dogs. My first attempt was too rushed and ended up with Charlie and Dobbie having the wrong shaped heads. But my idea of ignoring Mia’s natural colouring and going for blues and violets showed promise.
So here’s my fourth attempt at the four of them together. Charlie and Dobbie are looking good again and Mia may have a bit of personality coming through at last, although she’s still not perfect. She may just be one of those subjects that’s impossible to draw – the polar opposite of Noel Fielding. I admit I did cheat a little on this one, using an app that drew grids in photos. But the grids I drew on the paper were freehand and not measured out perfectly, so I see that as only half cheating.
That’s my lot for this weekend. Back to Christmas shopping now.
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