Next in the queue for meds at Nurse Ratched's booth is Bruce Frederickson, played by…

Charlie Cheswick
And finally we have Charlie Cheswick, played by Sydney Lassick. This was the portrait I’ve been most looking forward to doing. Seeing this photo converted to a two tone image was what persuaded me into putting together this collection. It was a close call between Charlie and Frederickson over who would get the black marker. In the end it went to Frederickson and Charlie had to settle for a grey.
See that little bit of white in Charlie’s left eye? I added that at the end with a white gel pen. It may be the best ever mark I’ve made in terms of punch per square centimeter. It brings this portrait to life. Without that mark, this portrait was nothing. Nothing. Instead I’ve ended up with a solid portrait. Like many of the others in this collection, it’s not a perfect likeness but looks great alongside all its colleagues.
The complete collection can be seen here.
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