Charcoal Paintings Fixed And Up For Sale

No painting today as it’s the first Sunday in the month, which means tea and homemade cakes up at the local church.

Instead, I looked at the sun in the sky and the lack of wind and decided that today would be a good day to take a look at the two charcoal paintings that I’d sprayed with fixative and, if they still looked OK, to fix all my other charcoal paintings, decide which would be worth putting up for sale and then update the schoppe windows and individual blog pages on the website.

Well, I can tell you that those two pieces looked fine after fixing and weren’t throwing up clouds of dust when I picked them up, so fixing definitely works. And after looking through them, I decided that five of my seven charcoal paintings to date were worth putting up for sale. The five all appear in the photo at the top of this page. To see the shop windows, please walk this way.

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