Another exercise from the Bert Dodson book. I was tasked with drawing a portrait of…

I’ve fallen into a trap. Now everybody wants me to draw their portrait on their birthday. This weekend it was Cathy’s birthday and this is my second attempt at a portrait. It’s still pretty poor and looks nothing like her.
I think it’s really true that some people are much harder than others to capture in portraits. I see it happening every week in Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year and now I’m seeing it in my own work. What is it about Cathy that makes her portrait so difficult? Or is that she’s always smiling? Or is it about mouths from Ipswich? Cathy, like Roy the other week, is from Ipswich. But, unlike with Roy, I can’t cover up the terrible attempt at a mouth with a beard. Instead, all I can do is try to distract the viewer with some truly garish 1970s wallpaper.
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