Category: Sold!

Hartlip Church In Oil Pastel

More practice drawing with the oil pastels today.  As I've got landscape colours, I thought I'd better have a go at a landscape, this time using...

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Six Ways To Look At The Moon

I'm a bit short of ideas for watercolours at the moment.  Maybe I need to wander around the village again but only if I'm prepared to put in some...

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The Far Country

I was feeling keen to start putting some of these Bridget Woods lessons into practice.  Part of the lesson was to put together the monotone...

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Hartlip Church Tower

It's been twelve days since I last painted in watercolour.  Just too many things going on at the moment, including the Euros.  It's not that these...

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Wow!  Casey Affleck just shared one of my works on Instagram and he already has over 1500 likes. If you're here after seeing me on Casey's...

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The Joy Of Six

I'm normally pretty good at restricting the number of colours in my paintings but sometimes I just need to let go and throw everything down.  This...

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Orchard Lea, Hartlip

Someone in the village asked me if I'd be interested in painting her house.  I gave her my standard answer, which is that I don't do commissions...

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Archway Into Hartlip Church

Enough of these village houses!  I wanted to paint some stones, so it's back to the church to paint this archway again. I first drew the archway...

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Cuckoo Orchard, Hartlip

Somebody in the village approached me the other day about painting his house.  We had a good long chat and I think he gets what my artwork is...

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View From Hartlip Church

And it's another Hartlip landscape!  This is the seventh and last of the Hartlip landscapes that I put together value plans for a while ago.  If I...

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Craiglea And Sanquhar, Hartlip

It's freezing outside so I only have one painting to add to the Hartlip collection today.  I picked this pair of cottages because they were white....

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Valdeinfierno In Purple And Orange

That last painting, The Thin Ice, felt like a flop to me but got lots of likes on Facebook and on DeviantArt.  The only good thing it had going for...

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Three Days Of Snow

Back to painting again today and, for reasons that will become apparent, I wanted to get in some practice at snow paintings.  So I looked through...

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Winter Is Coming

I thought I'd have another go at turning an abstract underpainting into something recognisable.  This time, though, I made three changes.  The...

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Headed over the road to the Rose &  Crown at Hartlip To order a lunchtime takeaway for tomorrow (GCSE results day).  I couldn’t resist taking a...

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The Happiest Days Of Our Lives

Today's painting is dedicated to the recently departed Sir Alan Parker, who directed (as well as many other films) The Wall, a film featuring all...

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The Rose & Crown, Hartlip

First the news.  I will be heading along to filming of Landscape Artist Of The Year in a couple of days as a wildcard entry.  That's why I've been...

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