Category: Posterised Blue Scheme

Doctor Zachary Smith

Sometimes I receive messages and I just have to act on them. I had the telly to myself last night and managed to find a 1960 episode of The...

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Ardbeg Distillery

I'm back to painting distilleries.  Today it's the Ardbeg Distillery on the island of Islay.  I've deviated a bit from my normal rule here as I...

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Hale And Pace

Today I've been painting Hale and Pace, a comedy double act from the 1980s and 90s.  Sometimes you see a photo and you just have to turn it into a...

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Warren Haynes In Watercolour

The closing date for Portrait Artist Of The Year is on 5 February, ten days away.  I've already submitted my entry but this is the time of her when...

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Today would have been Edgar Allen Poe's 215th birthday.  I know this because I asked ChatGPT to name me a random celebrity born in January 19th....

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