Category: Polls

H2 2023 Poll Results

Well, I've had 17 responses to the latest poll and I think responses have dried up.  I'll leave it open, along with all my previous polls but I'm...

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H2 Artistic Actuary Poll

It's time for my next art poll.  After eliminating a load of clunkers from my last six months of output I'm left with 51 works, which is about the...

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The H1 2023 Artistic Actuary Poll

Right, I've built up enough material to put out another poll on which of my paintings people people like.  As usual, it only takes a couple of...

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Summer 2022 Poll Results

I messed up slightly with this poll.  About half the paintings in it were of naked figures and I think this is why 26 of the first 40 people to...

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H1 2022 Poll Results

Thanks to everyone that voted in the latest poll. It's time for me to talk about the results.  There have been 27 responses so far, and I've never...

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The H1 2022 Poll

I'm needing some help again please guys.  It's been a busy year so far and I could do with finding out which of my works are most popular.  I'd...

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H2 2021:Survey Results

Thanks to everyone that's voted.  It's time for me to accept that I'm unlikely to get many (or any?) more responses in, so it's time for me to look...

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H2 2021 Poll

I reckon it's that sort of time.  I've created another of my biannual art polls.  If anyone can spare a couple of minutes to vote, I'd be very...

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H1 2021 Survey Results

Thanks to everyone that participated in the survey. I got 26 responses, which is a new record. As usual, there were surprises for me in there. Here...

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H1 2021 Survey

I need some help please guys.  It's been a busy first half of the year and I could do with finding out which of my works are most popular.  I've...

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2020 Survey Results

Thanks to everybody that participated in the survey. There were 21 responses and these were the results, with some surprises in there as...

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Marker Portraits Poll Results

So here are the results of my latest poll. Only a handful of surprises there.  Bernardine Evaristo did better than I expected, James Coburn and...

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Marker Portraits Poll

It's time for another poll, this time on my marker drawings. If you have a couple of minutes to spare (honestly, that's all it takes) please could...

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Summer 2019 Poll Results

Here are the results of the latest poll.  Hidden Village came out equal top.  Otherwise no big surprises really. People are still welcome to vote...

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Summer 2019 Poll

The nights are fair drawin' in and I don't think I'll be out in the garden painting much more this year, so I think it's time for another painting...

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The Q1 2019 Poll

I thought it was about time I checked out public opinions on the pile of artwork that I had sitting around waiting to either be framed or put to...

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The End Of Summer Poll

By the end of the Summer I'd ended up with 15 paintings that I was proud enough of to frame.  I was starting to think about selling them later in...

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