Category: Personal Favourites


Today it's a portrait of Jimi Hendrix.  You can tell that I've used the Artist Assist App again just by looking at this one.  I was planning to do...

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Ron “Pigpen” McKernan

My year end painting hiatus is over and I’m back in the studio.  After thing breaks I tend to work my way back in slowly with low pressure works...

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The Shard

It feels as if the big year end winddown has started.  This will be my final painting of the year but probably not my final post.  It's based on a...

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This is Tracey, a friend of the family.  She dabbles in painting herself and gave us. Painting of our dog Ruby last Christmas and it's been at the...

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Chris Robinson

This is Chris Robinson, vocalist and occasional harmonica or guitar player in The Chris Robinson Brotherhood and The Black Crowes and master of dad...

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Roy Wood

With one page left in my rough watercolourpaper block and that page starting to come away at the edges, I wanted to do another watercolour today...

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Roughtor, Dartmoor

Tempting though it is to keep painting portraits and figures, I do need to keep up the landscapes, ready for LAOTY of I make into a pod or the...

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Joe Strummer

I'm back from the Upchurch art exhibition now and my studio's all back to normal.  I only sold the one painting, The Happiest Days Of Our Lives...

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I'm back on the Artrafs today, aware of my promise from last time to hold back on the blue and not make the darks too dark. So here goes.  It's a...

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I was feeling watercoloured out today and in the mood for a different medium, so went for the oil pastels.  I wanted to draw a portrait and was...

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After a bit of a break, I'm back on the planets again.  Today it's Uranus.  All eight planets revolve around the sun in roughly the same plane and...

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Thea 5

Today's been quite a short day but, with England playing cricket tomorrow, I didn't want to take what would be two days off, so I went for a quick...

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John Lydon

I wasn’t planning on doing a watercolour today but I found a photo of John Lydon that was just begging to be painted in Liz Chaderton style.  In...

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B. B. King

Today's not a day for watercolours.  I tend to do watercolours in bursts of 2-4 successive days and with yesterday being a charcoal day and...

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Donald Trump

I took a break from the planets today.  A charcoal painting is long overdue and I thought I'd have a go at a charcoal portrait for the first time....

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The Face Of Mars

Another day, another planet.  My latest idea for planet paintings (to go with the ideas of random surrealness and Roman gods) is to think about...

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Jupiter And Io

Seventeen days since my last watercolour and I'm finally back.  The idea for this one popped into my head while out on my walk yesterday.  I've no...

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Derek Trucks

I've painted a lot of guitarists over years in various different media but until now I've not gotten around to my favourite.  My favourite living...

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The Dads Army Collection

And here it is completed: The Dads Army Collection. From left to right, top to bottom: – Captain Mainwaring – Wilson – Jonesy – Godfrey and Pike –...

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