Category: Personal Favourites

View From Hartlip Church

And it's another Hartlip landscape!  This is the seventh and last of the Hartlip landscapes that I put together value plans for a while ago.  If I...

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Craiglea And Sanquhar, Hartlip

It's freezing outside so I only have one painting to add to the Hartlip collection today.  I picked this pair of cottages because they were white....

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Thatch Cottage, Hartlip

And here it is, the first of a series of paintings based on my home village of Hartlip.  This is Thatch Cottage, a cottage that's been rethatched...

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Richard Feynman

I had another read of my Charles Reid book last night (Painting By Design) and saw a couple of his videos  on YouTube this morning, so thought it...

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The Hoodoo Watch

The weather was good enough today to spend a bit of time painting properly in the garden.  The subject matter is a set of hoodoos.  These are weird...

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Chadwick Boseman

It's only 28th December but a new year's artwork kicks off here.  I wanted to have another go at a black and white portrait against a black...

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NMA Model 15

Today's model doesn't even have a name.  She's Model 15 from the New Masters Academy.  Great pose though. The idea behind this one was to make it...

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I Am The Eye In The Sky

So, AA, when are we going to see what you're doing with that painting of an eye from the other day? And why is it exactly that you're needing to...

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Three Days Of Snow

Back to painting again today and, for reasons that will become apparent, I wanted to get in some practice at snow paintings.  So I looked through...

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Aubrey, Seated

As I said in the previous post, it was time to do something different with the figure drawing rather than just turning the handle on the sausage...

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The Cheetah Woman

After the painting experiment two days ago that I unwrapped yesterday, I had an overnight think and decided that I was going to press ahead and...

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After that last disaster, a quick response.  Figure drawing with the inktense pencils is much less risky than portraiture, so I went on to...

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Sedona, Arizona

Yesterday's High Noon painting was a bit lacking in colour for one of my creations, so I thought I'd do something colourful today: a three colour...

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The Tree Of Life

My second painting of the day was a lot more successful. The underpainting was again in ultramarine blue, raw sienna and burnt sienna.  With two...

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Led Zeppelin

And here's the complete Led Zep collection. The four drawings are all in different styles but work well as a set.  Four different colour...

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Robert Plant

Next up in the Led Zep collection is Robert Plant.  Those curls were always going to make this a difficult job but I don't think this came out too...

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The Rush Collection

And here's the complete set together.  It may even surpass the chess player set that I thought was my opus magnus. It's up for sale.

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Neil Peart

Next up in either the Rush collection or supergroup collection is the late Neil Peart, one of the greatest drummers of all time and an amazing...

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