Category: Personal Favourites

Julijske Alpe, Slovenia

Back to watercolours today. I've played all the Grateful Dead in the box of CDs that currently sits in my studio, so I won't be jamming with the...

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John Henry Holliday

Yeah, June is taking a while to get started and I've gone for another easy option. It's a posterised portrait and, not only that, I've pretty well...

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The Transfer

Today's painting is based on a photo taken by an old friend Olly while (I believe) on holiday in Portugal. He did it had an Edward Hopper feel to...

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Bruce Frederickson

Next in the queue for meds at Nurse Ratched's booth is Bruce Frederickson, played by Vincent Schiavelli. He doesn't say or do much in the film but...

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Chief Bromden

I don't normally do this but I've done a third marker painting in a day. This is The Chief, played by Will Sampson. He seemed the character most...

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Max Taber

Next up is Max Taber, played by Christopher Lloyd. Probably the scariest of all the patients in the film, like an unexploded bomb. It was a no...

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Doctor Zachary Smith

Sometimes I receive messages and I just have to act on them. I had the telly to myself last night and managed to find a 1960 episode of The...

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Billy The Kid

I felt like doing a portrait today. I've been doing a lot of landscapes in an attempt to impress LAITY judges (newsflash: I've not made it to a...

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AnaIv In Artgraf

I only had the energy for a quick painting today, so went for an idea that's been kicking around for a few days. A line drawing using fineliners...

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Damn You All To Hell!

Now this is a landscape that's been on my to do list for a while. It's the closing scene from the original Planet Of The Apes film back in...

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After needing to take two attempts at painting the Earp brothers, I felt like I'd wasted a day of my life, so after finishing the corrected...

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The Earps

After discovering Friday's disaster I wanted to come up with a proper painting of The Earps as quickly as possible.  This was finished ar about...

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Towards Warren Cottage

I’ve caught up on my sleep now and can finally complete my three watercolours in three days challenge, two days late.  The challenge for the third...

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Ally MacLeod

A grim day today with a power cut in the morning and then no WiFi when the power came back on so I'm grabbing a sneaky coffee in Costa while I...

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The City

After yesterday's experimentation I wanted to use all the lessons from it as quickly as possible, so that's what I've been doing today. I started...

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Lewes Castle

Here's a question for you.  Who had a UK number one in the 1979s with D.I.V.O.R.C.E.?  Good guess but you're wrong.  It was Billy Connolly with a...

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I wanted to give some of my new inktense pencils a runout, so that's what I'm going today.  And with three of those new colours being fleshy...

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