Category: Physicists

Heeeere’s Jonny

I’ve had an idea for another set of marker portraits to get started on but had just one page left in a sketchbook and didn't want the set to...

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The YouTube Six

And here are the YouTube six in their full glory.  Somehow Lee's ugly arms and Liron's cartoony smile are no longer a problem.  These six guys just...

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Parth G

Hi there.  My name is The Artistic Actuary and today I'm going to show you the third of my collection of six YouTube content creators. We've had a...

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Professor Peter Landshoff

It's time to start a new portrait collection.  I was feeling a bit short of ideas and a bit out of form so thought I'd do portraits of the four...

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Richard Feynman

I had another read of my Charles Reid book last night (Painting By Design) and saw a couple of his videos  on YouTube this morning, so thought it...

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Stephen Hawking

After John Paul Jones came out so well a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to have another go at drawing a portrait with markers by concentrating on...

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Statistical Physicists

And here are the four of them together. Back in my uni days, Statistical Physics was the course that came up trumps for me in every paper of my...

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Albert Einstein

Back to the physicists and I think everybody should recognise this guy. While I think I've got the likeness (for once) I've messed up in other...

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Satyendra Nath Bose

The latest physicist in the series.  This is Satyendra Nath Bose.  The man who bosons are named after.  And I guess a few sets of headphones too. ...

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Paul Dirac

I'm on a roll.  Where there's a Fermi, there has to be a Dirac.  Unfortunately this one isn't as good.  I had some trouble with Dirac's left eye...

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Enrico Fermi

It's time to start a new series of portraits.  As I felt good about drawing all those chess players, I'm going to go for another intelligent bunch...

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