Today's dragon is Touker Suleyman, a big favourite of mine. He's been given the grey colour scheme with cold grey 1, cold grey 4 and black. The...
Category: Other Subject Matter
And That’s Why I’m Going To Make You An Offer
Next up is Peter Jones. I went for a blue colour scheme to match his whistle: blue pearl, then sky blue, then indigo blue. The sky blue died...
Meanwhile Deborah Meaden Has Some Questions About The Company’s Green Credentials
It was only a matter of time before I had a go at three layer portraits with computer assistance using markers. I've identified six triplets of...
Albert King
Today's painting is a long overdue subject and a less overdue experiment. The subject is guitarist Albert King. I've been making my way through...
Today it's a portrait of Jimi Hendrix. You can tell that I've used the Artist Assist App again just by looking at this one. I was planning to do...
Big Sam In Charcoal
This is one I've been planning for a while. Ever since I read the Nathan Fowkes book, I've been meaning to do a charcoal portrait. And as this...
Ross Kemp: Go With Your Gut
Since Pigpen went so well, I’ve been wondering whether I could fit a triple triple glazed portrait into the four hours that artists are allowed in...
I really do need to finish my collection of planet paintings at some point so I'm back on the case today with Saturn. For a while my plan had been...
MikaM, Watching Ross Kemp’s Bridge Of Lies
After yesterday's sterling efforts, I thought I'd take it easy today and do an Inktense pencil figure drawing. It's been a long eleven weeks since...
Ron “Pigpen” McKernan
My year end painting hiatus is over and I’m back in the studio. After thing breaks I tend to work my way back in slowly with low pressure works...
Portrait Artist Of The Year 2024 Entry
I've entered for Portrait Artist Of The Year again but this year I'm going for it as a watercolourist. I've included these three paintings in my...
The 2023 Artistic Actuary Video
The 2023 Artistic Actuary video is now ready. It's too big to load up onto this website but you can see it at Almost...
This is Tracey, a friend of the family. She dabbles in painting herself and gave us. Painting of our dog Ruby last Christmas and it's been at the...
Annual Self Portrait 2024
So at last I've finally done a self portrait in watercolour. I was in the mood for supergranulators today and picked out the tundra set. I...
The Under The Desk Collection
Well, I can tell you that I will definitely be entering for Portrait Artist Of The Year again this time around. Because, even if I don't have any...
Under The Desk IV
And that's the Under The Desk collection completed. For the colour scheme I chose the grey markers, putting down some vague value shapes and then...
Under The Desk III
Here's the third in the under the desk collection. Today The main two colours were my light and dark green. Just as with the previous two...
Under The Desk II
Look, I'm allowed to change my mind, OK? Yesterday's portrait grew on me and Monday tends to be a short day, so I thought I'd continue with the...
Under The Desk I
Applications for Portrait Artist Of The Year need to be in by the end of January, so I thought I'd better make a start on the 2024 self portrait...
Chris Robinson
This is Chris Robinson, vocalist and occasional harmonica or guitar player in The Chris Robinson Brotherhood and The Black Crowes and master of dad...