All these portraits I've been rattling out with markers and I only just realised that I've not done any self portraits with the markers yet. Time...
Category: Other Subject Matter
I've fallen into a trap. Now everybody wants me to draw their portrait on their birthday. This weekend it was Cathy's birthday and this is my...
It's also Lizzie's birthday today, so here's another portrait. I think this is more recognisably Lizzie than Amanda was Amanda. You can see from...
I'm quite getting into this portrait drawing with markers, although I still have a long way to go before I can call myself anything near...
Another portrait. This is Clive the bantering butcher from the local farmshop at MB Farms ( in Stockbury,...
More Tuesday portraiture and it's another bassist and Facebook friend. This is Jimbo, a mate from school, bassist with grungy rock duo Matildaz...
Roy With A Beard
It's Tuesday and Sky Portrait Artist Of The Year is on later, so I was in the mood for a bit of portraiture. Obviously using markers. I'm nowhere...
Nathan In Colour
My first exercise with these new markers was to trace out the picture I'd drawn of Nathan a couple of months ago and apply a bit of colour to it....
This is the result of one of the exercises in Keys To Drawing by Bert Dodson. It's a portrait of one of my kids in the style of Henri Matisse. I...
Father And Son
That review of Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain is coming soon, I promise!
Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain – Progress Update
I still have one book from my birthday left to read and review. It's Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain by Betty Edwards. I'm about 40% of...
And here's the second of the day. This is all out abstract. I cracklepasted a board a couple of days ago (with watercolour ground applied to the...
Today's job was to prepare a couple of experimental crackle paste surfaces to use later in the week but I found myself pining to do some painting,...
Now What Are You Barking At?
And here's my latest Jane Betteridge inspired painting on an unusual surface. It's my first go using crackle paste. I bought an acrylic canvas...
Mount Rushmore
Now this is more like it! A painting on an experimental surface that worked. The faces were all torn out of the Mail On Sunday dated 11 August...
Blue Skye
After reading that Jane Betteridge book, I thought it was time to start painting on some unusual surfaces. First up was painting on a map. I...
All Roads Lead To Lady Churchill’s Rose Garden
This post was written on 30 July 2019 but is only being released now that the program has aired. Now, this is more like it. Not that I was ever...
Lady Churchill’s Rose Garden, Chartwell
This post was written on 30 July 2019 but is only being released now that the program has aired. I've had an amazing day today as a wildcard at...
I thought it was about time I did another Western silhouette painting as they're always popular. Today's painting is based on a still from Hondo, a...
Bledlow Poppy
Well, I had a go at rescuing what was left after those two experiments. I painted over the sky, the trees and the orange background fields using...