And here's my second of the day. The big mistake I made on this one was to paint over everything with watercolour ground. It ruined the sky...
Category: Other Subject Matter
It’s Quiet Out There…Too Quiet
So, as I said, I've been cutting up failed paintings And reassembling the best bits into new works of art. I've cone up with three new works. ...
Statistical Physicists
And here are the four of them together. Back in my uni days, Statistical Physics was the course that came up trumps for me in every paper of my...
Albert Einstein
Back to the physicists and I think everybody should recognise this guy. While I think I've got the likeness (for once) I've messed up in other...
Satyendra Nath Bose
The latest physicist in the series. This is Satyendra Nath Bose. The man who bosons are named after. And I guess a few sets of headphones too. ...
Bernardine Evaristo
I had my first go at Sky Portrait Artist Of The Week today. Award winning author Bernardine Evaristo has been sat there on a Facebook feed while...
Paul Dirac
I'm on a roll. Where there's a Fermi, there has to be a Dirac. Unfortunately this one isn't as good. I had some trouble with Dirac's left eye...
Enrico Fermi
It's time to start a new series of portraits. As I felt good about drawing all those chess players, I'm going to go for another intelligent bunch...
The 2020 FIDE Candidates Collection Framed!
The 2020 FIDE Candidates collection is now framed and I have it on display in my art studio.
Bubble Horse Horse Bubble
It's a bank holiday, the sun's out and I'm back on the watercolours for the first time in months. I've been pining for orange over the last couple...
2020 FIDE Candidates Tournament – The Collection
And here's the collection. This is the format in which I want to get them all framed. and that may mean getting a specialist framer to at least...
Fabiano Caruana
And here it is, the last one in the collection. It's world number two Fabiano Caruana. I thought I'd go for a bright green background as that...
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave
And today's second portrait is Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. A longer shot, this one, with more of the body showing (looking for variety). The first...
Anish Giri
It's the weekend and I'm back to drawing portraits of the with players in the FIDE Candidates tournament. Today it's Anish Giri, a player with a...
Ding Liren
And next up is world number 3, Ding Liren. He's not doing too well at the candidates with just 2.5/7 at the point the tournament was paused. I...
Alexander Grischuk
Still tearing through the players at the 2020 FIDE Candidates tournament, starting today with Alexander "Sasha" Grischuk. He's drawn all seven of...
Wang Hao
My last chess portrait for the day. I really should have stopped at two. This portrait is instantly recognisable as my work but not so instantly...
Ian Nepomniachtchi
Next up is joint tournament leader Ian Nepomniachtchi, generally referred to as Nepo, although I don't know whether people call him that to his...
Kirill Alekseenko
Being stuck inside all day, I don't see much hope for doing many watercolours for a while. And with me actually having a piece of work on a the...
Henry Fonda, Once Upon A Time In The West
Back on the markers again and, for whatever reason, I've developed a taste for drawing portraits. Today, though, rather than looking for photos of...